Mes: octubre 2014

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In my latest article for The Luxonomist I talk about the event to present the book «Sustainable luxury: Stories from the Pioneers» at London Business School, while I share my reflection on the meaning of three key word when we talk about sustainable luxury: entrepreneurship, sustainability and luxury. Read more

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«Sustainable Luxury: An Oxymoron?» Event in London Business School

María Eugenia Girón, Executive, along with Jeff Skinner , Oliver Wayman and Cameron Saul from «Bottletop», Kresse Wesling co-founder of «Elvis & Kresse», and Carry Somers, founder of «Pachacuti», explore the emerging relationship between luxury goods, sustainability and social entrepreneurship with the London Social Innovation Collective. This event will feature a presentation of the book “Sustainable Luxury and Social Entrepreneurship: Stories from the Pioneers”, edited […]

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